Welcome to Imaginart!

Hello and welcome to Imaginart! If you are currentley a member, you should login. If not, Imaginart would love it if you registered! Our staff and members hope you enjoy your stay!

A Message from McKay!

Do you know why I made Imaginart? Because I love drawing! I wanted to be able to create something where my friends and even YOU can post your own art work or tutorials so people can draw like you! I started drawing when I was almost three years old. I have grow over thoseyears and my drawing skills have almost TRIPLED or even QUADRUPLED since I was three.

A Little Story From McKay's Past

One day I went to my mother's work, I was in the classroom she taught in with all of thesecond graders gathered around me. They were gathered around me to watch me draw. I noticed that a second grader, just like me, walk away sad and went back to her desk. I asked one of her friends if she knew what was wrong. She said, "I am not sure, she was the best drawer in the class. But now you are! You are really good at drawing!" I knew the girl was upset so I put my drawing untensils down andover to her. When I approached I saw that she was drawing, she wasn't as good as me, but she was very good for her age. I got down on my knees so that I was level with her and said, "You are a pretty good drawer. I started drawing before you, you might have started drawing when you were very little also. I want you to know that I am not here to block you out. I am here because school was canceled today." she began to laugh, "You should be happy that you CAN draw. SSome children pick up a pencil and say 'I can't do it' and begin to cry. You don't do that... do you?" she laughed again, "Keep drawing, and by my age, you will be pretty good!"


Hey everyone! Imaginart has gotten a new theme. It is called Black Ominous. I hope everyone loves Imaginart!

Imaginart has an app!


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Contest Winners

Imaginart has not had any contests and leaves us with no winners of any contests.




orangishval: hi Jun 16, 2022 18:50:09 GMT -5
McKay: Hello to any online members! Please be sure to tell all of your friends about Imaginart! Apr 20, 2013 14:20:58 GMT -5
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